Social Media Toolkit: Seizing the Opportunity
Thank you for lending your support to making affordable college education a reality. Join us in supporting the release of our newest report “Seizing the Opportunity:
Reversing Enrollment Declines in Higher Education”, along with our policy brief and our factsheet.
Together, we can make a difference by raising awareness about the policy decisions that have resulted in declining college enrollment, particularly amongst racial minorities.
Below are some post suggestions to keep your social media game strong and on-message! You can pull from our list or create your own captions to urge policymakers to make debt free college education a priority by telling them that NOW is the time to #SeizeTheOpportunity!
You may choose to pair some of these captions with the graphics provided in this document as well. Please note that pasting the link for the graphic will automatically populate the graphic on social media sites.
Here are some hashtags ideas:
Last please TAG the Hildreth Institute on your posts. This way, we’ll see and engage and share.
Facebook: @HildrethInstitute
Twitter: @hi_Hildreth
LinkedIn: @hildreth-institute
Instagram: @hildrethinstitute
For more info, visit or
Twitter/X suggestions:
🌟 New report! @hi_Hildreth is shining a light on the urgent need for affordable, high-quality, debt-free public college in MA. Let's work together for equitable higher ed!🎓#SeizeTheOpportunity #ReverseDecliningEnrollment
Our friends at @hi_Hildreth have done the deep dive: MA's college enrollment is dwindling, esp. among marginalized communities. This isn't about ability. It's about public policy. Let's come together to #SeizeTheOpportunity
Facebook posts suggestions:
🎓 Critical insights from our partners at @HildrethInstitute! Their recent report paints a concerning picture of college enrollment trends in Massachusetts. It's more crucial than ever to stand united for a future of affordable, debt-free public higher education. Dive in and let's bring about the change. #SeizeTheOpportunity #ReverseDecliningEnrollment #debtfreecollege
Attention fellow advocates for equitable education! The latest research from @HildrethInstitute underscores a pressing challenge for Massachusetts: declining college enrollments especially among students of color & low-income backgrounds. This isn't about ability. It's about public policy. Dive deep into the findings & recommendations and join us in advocating for an affordable, high-quality, debt-free higher ed in MA. Share & spread the word! 📚📈 #SeizeTheOpportunity #debtfreecollege #mapoli
Linkedin posts suggestions:
🎓 Critical insights from our partners at @hildreth-institute! Their recent report paints a concerning picture of college enrollment trends in Massachusetts. It's more crucial than ever to stand united for a future of affordable, debt-free public higher education. Dive in and let's bring about the change. #SeizeTheOpportunity #ReverseDecliningEnrollment #debtfreecollege
Attention fellow advocates for equitable education! The latest research from @hildreth-institute underscores a pressing challenge for Massachusetts: declining college enrollments especially among students of color & low-income backgrounds. This isn't about ability. It's about public policy. Dive deep into the findings & recommendations and join us in advocating for an affordable, high-quality, debt-free higher ed in MA. Share & spread the word! 📚📈 #SeizeTheOpportunity #debtfreecollege #mapoli